We help business leaders determine their present worth, by executing past strategies. 

A good business colleague of mine recently asked me, ‘What is your evlevator pitch?’ I though about it, and here is my response. First my story;

You determine the outcome in a crisis;

When your boss knows that your wife is pregnant with twins, but makes you redundant anyway; the choices you make in a crisis determine your worth.

When the doctor says that your wife has to lose her womb, and that the family you dreamed of can never be realised, the choices you make in a crisis, determine your peace of mind.

When a doctor tells your son who is 21 years of age at uni, that he has two weeks to live, the choices you make is a crisis determine whether you focus on what he says, or whether you focus on what God says.

So how does this help you understand my story and the story of ‘Jarrett Medtech Consultants’? The following paragraph tells you what we do!

“We help business leaders in healthcare determine the present value in their companies by repurposing strategies, to comply with future impending change, to survive in a more regulated world.”

#profilebuilderchallenge #entrepreneur #innovation


2 Little Words, “Thank You” That Worked Marketing Magic for Us During Lockdown


Dr. Errord Jarrett Acepted to ‘International Society of Business Leaders’.