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Loop it Like Johnny Sexton

Improved device safety, resulting in better patient outcomes

As a Medical Device marketeer with nearly three decades of experience, I developed a keen interest in the disciplines of regulation, usability and standards. Why? because without them I could not get my products to market on time. What I found out, is that these departments and their guidance epitomised the very essence of what made us a medical device organisation. As a marketeer this fascinated me, because I had always regarded these departments as necessary to comply with, but not necessary to partner with. On a regular basis scheduled meeting(s) ensued with regulatory, design and quality. This brought about new insights, to the impact on products and services, related to the changes in regulation, device safety, resulting in improvements of patient outcomes. I could appreciate with greater clarity, how the company and products looked like from their position within the organisation.

I formulated the concept, that if we as leaders developed the skill to Loop Like Johnny Sexton, we would miss fewer opportunities and lead our organisations to become more responsive in a rapidly changing business environment. Looping enables a player to get behind the line of attack, giving him more time to see the options ahead, horizon scan and take a view of the whole field. All great team sportsmen have this gift of vision, and so do great business leaders. By taking occasions to see the business from the position of others, we have more time and better insight of how we should respond to future external challenges. What are the decisions that we need to make as leaders for post COVID-19? Should it be a flat pass, or, a cross field kick? How do we get behind the line of attack, and give ourselves the time to see ahead?

Then boom! The openside flanker comes hurtling through and the game is over; winded and bruised you leave the field of play, but it does not mean you cannot continue to influence its outcome. Redundant from this game, but there is always the possibility to add value from the touchline working with leadership and owners, consequently new strategies and tactics emerge. Should you change the game plan from one of territory and buying market share, to one of counterattack? The opposition is fitter than they were last year, they have studied our traditional plays. They are on LinkedIn, FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, and I know it will make me sound old, but what the hell is ‘Tik Tok’?

If COVID-19 has done one thing for commerce as a whole, it has proved to us that we can do business remotely in this digital world. We can react rapidly if our customers require it. We can reinvent our internal processes, when the business environment has been turned upside down. Our customer touch points, can move from the physical, to the digital, because our customers welcomed this way of working. Our world will not be the same again. But those of us who move quickly towards a different style of play, who make it a priority to visit the IT/IS team and challenge them to create new value for the business using Zoom or Microsoft 365. Those of us who loop quickly, and loop again; we will become the game changers.

Jarrett MedTech is a game changer, we are disruptive thinkers, from the Medical Devices family with decades of industry experience behind us. Serving the Medical Industry from a position just behind the line of attack, scanning for the next great play. Our apprenticeship is done, and we are ready to serve from all over the world, and better still: we were born in this pandemic.

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